How to draw Flowchart in C Programming Language

Flowchart is used to resolve the problem.Flowchart is a Graphical or Pictorial Representation of problem solving. It explain the operational and computational process of problem solving. Flowchart is design by using different geometrical symbols which is connected by an arrow (Flow line). Each symbol represent some specific operation.

Needs of flowchart
Flowchart is a problem solving tool. Flowchart is design before program design.Flowchart is needed to design error free program and logic of program. It is also used to design effective program documentation which is helpful to understand program logic.
Basic symbol used in flowchart

  • Start / Stop Symbol:
    It is oval in shape.It is used to Start and End of Flow Chart.Every Flow Chart have one sart and one end point.
  • Input / Output Symbol :
    It is parallelogram in shape.It is used to represent Input and Output process.
  • Processing Symbol :
    It is rectangle in shape.It is used to represent data assignment and data processing.
  • Decision Symbol :
    It is Diamond in shape.It is used take decision and Looping related operation.This symbol have one entry point and two exit point.
  • Flow lines :
    It is uni directional Straight line. It is used to connect different symbol of flow chart and represent the flow of execution of flow chart.The execution of flow chart is top-to-bottom and left-to-right.
  • Connector :
    It is Circle in shape.It is used to connect different module of flow chart.This symbol generally used for big flow chart having more than one pages.This symbol is used to connect different pages of flow chart.
Advantage of flowchart
  • By using flowchart we can represent any program in a better way.We can easily describe the logic of any program by using flowchart.
  • Flowchart is used to design large and modular programs.
  • Flowchart is used to systematic debugging and testing of any program.It will reduce errors in program.
  • We can code any program very perfectly by using flowchart.
  • It is independent from language and machine.It is common for every platform and language.
Program development steps
Programmer must collect important information about program before designing any program.On the basis of those information programmer develop program.For programming a program programmer must follow following steps.
  • Problem definition
    In this step program is define in detail.Describe all the problem related to program .Information about what is Input? , what was Output? and what is the execution time of program are define in problem definition.
  • Program design
    Program can be design after understanding the problem related to program.program designing approach and flowchart are define under this step.Program designing approach are Top down approach , Modular approach , Structured approach.In program design all the structure of program are created.
  • Coding
    Program logic is design which is understand by computer using any language is called Coding . Coding are those instruction which is run by computer.Group of those instruction are called program of software which is written in any language.
  • Debugging
    This step is used after Coding .This step is used to find and remove all the syntax error of program.Compiler , Assembler , Interpreter software are used for debugging.These software must available in computer.These software is different for different language.
  • Testing
    This step is used after debugging this step program is checked by providing inputs and generated output.In testing logical error is removed.
  • Documentation
    In this step documentation is done in different part of program for more user friendly. Documentation describe the portion of program which is helpful to understand by other programmer.
Method for designing flowchart to show program logic
  • Sequential
    In this method the sequence of statements is Input ,Process and then Output.

In this method process and output is generated on the basis of condition.

In this method repetition of statement is called looping.When the condition is false the loop will be terminated.

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